About me
My name is Amber Trantham and I'm a Math Specialist for AMSTI JSU. One unique thing about me is I'm 5'11 and the shortest person in my household. I have twin 14-year-old boys a 21-year-old son. Another unique thing about me is I'm creating a hiking trail through the woods around my home. Currently, the trail is a half mile. The warm weather has done wonders for the flowers I've planted but also helped out the poison oak and snake populations, both of which have slowed my progress. Ironically, snakes don't really bother me. Other than the water moccasins, we tend to live and let live.
My passion, research, and professional growth are centered around access and equity for marginalized populations and culturally relevant math instruction. The work I do is incredibly fulfilling and constantly evolving. I'm also increasingly grateful for my director and the school administrators I serve. Their dedication makes my work possible.